Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Turkey Time

Its been five years since I was in Turkey and there have been alot of changes. Cities are growing and changing with people moving to western Turkey from other regions, and immigrants coming in from Syria and other distressed countries. I noticed more fundamentalist Muslim women with full coverage clothing.  And the tourists were not from Europe or North America as has been the norm, but from China and Korea.  The unrest in the the Middle East is definitely taking its toll on tourism.
wall painting of sultan at a local B&B

Selcuk, the Turk's hometown, has grown substantially the past five years. Whole neighborhoods have been built and more are in construction. The family now lives in modern apartments that they purchased by prepaying most of the price over years before construction was completed. Muslim countries traditionally don't support consumer debt, even for homes.  But Turkey banks have been changing to support some debt when substantial cash is paid up front.  

The family was happy to see us.

Brother Adnan, nephew in law Sulayman, Turk

ana and Turk

borther Ibo, nephew Ali

Ana with 2 of her sons
baby Adnan hanging out with ana

giggly girls - niece Myniver, Sis in law Fatima, ana

And the food was prepared!  Even the Turk did some cooking.
Turkish coffee to start the day!

Getting the food ready

typical breakfast!

Turk making his bean dish

pepper paste drying in the sun
gozeme time and Fatima the master is at work

her assistant - Adnan

apprentice Adnan - grandson
Ibo frying fresh anchovies!
Ayran and beer - typical Turkish drinks!
Nephew Ali and Ayse with their pomegranate orchard 

And then, time to go to the beach! the Aegean Sea called to me after hearing that I'd swam in the Mediterranean and the Adriatic. The Aegean really was the best - warmer water and completely sandy beach and sea bottom.
its me on the left - before I started swimming

It was so hot, even the dogs found shade

The Turk played with nephew's son Adnan in the fresh water creek near the shore. 

Eda and Adnan enjoy the sea

the 'men' go for a beer at the beach
Market Day is Saturday! Everyone comes into town and food is everywhere.

dessert! somalina flour with ground nuts

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