Monday, November 2, 2009

Rain Barrel Art

I attended the Pinellas County rain barrel training program and am now a certified rain barrel specialist. Well, that might be a bit of an exaggeration! But I did learn how to set up the barrel - which I immediately decided was Mark's job... and how to paint the barrel - which I thought was more within my skill set. I came home with a 59 gallon plastic barrel, after a struggle to wrestle it into the BMW.

Mark primed the barrel, while I figured out what to paint on it. I finally decided to use one of his old t-shirts as my inspiration. It's from Hawaii and features the ancient Hawaiian petroglyphs. I thought they'd be within my painting capabilities. As you can see, these ancients were surfer dudes!


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Mark has diversified his fishing to include crabs. These crabs must be walking under his feet so he can just bend down and pick them up. The likelihood of this happening is slim, so we've been collecting crabs for a couple of months with the goal of a crab feast when we accumulate enough wayward crabs.

The number of captured (and then frozen) wandering crabs finally hit 10 which was the magic number required for the feast. They were quite delicious and we made quite a mess!!