Monday, September 14, 2015

Let's Stomp Some Grapes

One of the relatives has a farm with, among other things, red and white grapes. It was time for harvest and STOMPING to make the juice for wine. I found out that he makes better money selling home made wine than he does selling grapes to eat. So, we jumped in the car and headed out to the farm.

First, you pick buckets and buckets of grapes. And in the process you probably eat buckets and buckets of grapes!

red and white grapes are mixed together for this batch of wine
Sometimes, buckets aren't as good as armfuls of grapes.

Then its time to stomp! Grapes go into a woven bag that catches the seeds, skins and twigs so only the juice flows out of the homemade concrete container, into a large plastic jug.

Let the stomping begin!
One must keep the stomper happy! Beer goes in, grape juice comes out!
 The large jug of juice is poured into smaller containers so that they fit into the trunk of the car.  These smaller containers will be emptied into large jugs for about 2 years of fermenting.
dont spill!

There a necessary breaks - with more beer
And, lunch must be prepared. First, start a fire

then scramble some eggs and add sajouk sausage - stir with a makeshift spatula
Food tastes so good in the vineyard

bunches of grapes waiting for picking
Ibo is a master picker
These vines have some age on them

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