Sunday, April 10, 2016

Red Fish Blue Fish and Then More Fish

55 pound Amberjack
The Turk has been fortunate to befriend a group of fishermen who own a good sized fishing boat AND a private jet.  So he has become the Bahamian Turk (BT) who fishes, drinks rum, and makes repairs to the fish camp.
BT's latest big catch was an Old Man and the Sea saga. He wrestled with a 55 pound amberjack for over an hour, keeping line pressure with the fish as that panicked fish swam under the boat, past the boat, back again and out again. The other fishermen had to get out of the way as BT held his own using only a 18 pound fishing line! So strategy, line tension, and endurance were all in play.  Finally the fish wore out enough that he could guide it close to the  boat.  It took 2 guys to pull this fish up to the deck!  BT had sore arms and shoulders for a week.

an afternoon's catch
The fishing boat
the fishermen at work cleaning their catch

BT's catch - mahi mahi

The biggest catches that day
Time to EAT!
the workshop that got the Turk's touch