Saturday, July 21, 2012

Let's Go To A Wedding!

 Cait and Scott married on July 21 in Lexington Kentucky.  A wonderful personalized service that even used beer (their hobby) in the parables.
Great reception venu - winery, fun DJ and dancing, delicious food.  All around FUN and memorable wedding. Thanks Cait!... brought to us by Tim and Micki.

the getaway car

the priest who looked remarkably like brother Sean.

grand-parental units

Cait's parental units

Father-daughter dance to the Blues Brothers 'Everybody Needs Somebody'


the Turk

Fiona - youngest cousin

The GrandDad

Normal prep for family photo

Ok - that will do

All the O'Leary clan who attended, except the bride and husband!
Brother and his mom

Dancing with the Stars
Sychronized cousins

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Quick Summer NYC Pics

Freedom Tower from Greenwich Village
It was a hot and humid Sunday, but undaunted I ran around the city with my list of things to eat and things to do.  I never want to waste a minute when I'm there and after 6 hours of non-stop activity, in that heat, I collapsed in my hotel room with a salad from Whole Foods.

A few highlights from that day...
 Its nice to finally see the Freedom Tower tall enough to be my directional guide when I'm in the Village.

 Always on the lookout for new chocolates, I check out the chocolate shops and Dean & Delucca's. Found a Gin & Tonic flavored chocolate. Since it was milk chocolate, not dark, I didnt indulge.  Not 'calorie-worthy'!

I spent the afternoon up at 110th at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine.  I remember visiting in the 1990's when it was still being built, complete with stone masons. I was fascinated that a medieval cathedral - in fact the largest in the world - would be built in modern times still using the old methods.  And, true to the cathedrals of those times, it was built to represent the local life and times.
They never finished the south tower due to funding priorities

Fountain in the children's garden. There are 9 giraffes entwined with other creatures - representing peacefulness.

The carving was completed in 1997

Impressive nave
See the World Trade Towers?