Sunday, September 5, 2010

Where Mark Goes, Fish Follow

Mark wanted to cook for his family a typical 'Mark' meal that we'd have at home. Today, Saturday, is market day and blocks of the town are lined with vendors selling everything from fabric and lightbulbs, shoes and underwear, spices and vegetables, fish and cheese.  And yes, lots of peppers!  

candies for Biram - starting september 9
We shopped all day - shopping on market day is a social activity as well as a functional one. There are also vendors who walk around selling things like pens, paper and even razor blades.  the razor blade salesman's pitch as he walked around was  ' Don't Sleep, Shave!'

We decided the 'dinner' would include a fish for everyone.   Even though Turkey has a large coastline, fish is expensive and somewhat of a luxury to alot of people. The cooking would be done on a grill, on the roof of brother Adnan's house where we could all spread out on the carpets and the women could watch the men do the grilling.  
We women making the salad

Dinner was a huge hit and even attracted a number of cats who somehow climbed up to the roof. I think brother Ibo had something to do with attracting the cats as I did see from the corner of my eye some fish bones being tossed out to the neighbor's cat.


Ali KINACI said...

Ooooooo yimmmm yimmm yimmmm

Sheri said...

Awesome pictures...keep them coming! Miss you!