Sunday, September 19, 2010

Sites Along the Turquoise Coast

Mark directs us to sea
Captain Umut plots our course
Our boat is based on the Turkish fishing boat called a gulet. We are at a dock in Kerkova, a Greek town without streets...and without Greeks since the Exchange in the 1920's. (Exchange is when Turkey united to become a country after WWI, and 'requested' the Greeks to go to their own country).    
you never knew who would show up in a boat and try to sell us something!
Byzantine castle at top, no streets...or even concrete in the town. tombs EVERYWHERE including the water

Tomb is the house-like stone in the water. Water has risen since it was placed. Ancient communities in this area have been destroyed many times by earthquakes.  There is even a sunken city due to one.
tombs, tombs everywhere - alot of dead people from early Greek period

One of our swimming coves guarded by a goat
Arts and crafts time..between swimming, beers and raki.

We came upon Kumal Ataturk's boat from post WWI which he used to rally the people to form a new country. It is now privately owned, and is very well cared for. Captain Umut played the Turkish national anthem as we sailed past. Turks are nothing if not nationalistic!
approaching pirates cave
Swimming, illegally,in the cave. I am the middle one with waving arm.

1 comment:

Kalkan Villas said...

I amazed by the color of the water it seems so welcoming and tempting.