Saturday, May 14, 2022


The Turk and I raided Medieval castles and ended up staying in a monastery. We are now traveling on the eastern side of Portugal as we leave the northern region. This area was the line of defense against the Moors, the French, and those pesky Spaniards (described to us as the relatives you have to invite to a wedding, but hope they dont come). This was also the haven for Jews who fled Spain, and later, Lisbon and Porto as the Inquisition continued. All Portuguese Jews were 'baptised' by the King to save their lives and align with Spain. These New Christians, it was revealed inb1960s, had codes carved on doorways here in town of Trancoso that looked like Christian symbols, but included Jewish references. 
Trancoso Castle from 10th century
Mark hikes up to castle
excavations at the castle
Turk eyeing fixer-upper from 1100s

years and layers of paint 

Christian saints and Jewish menorah

village street, unique lamppost

doorframe symbols by Jews to designate them

original symbol: cross and Jewish symbol
more symbols

town outside castle walls

The rock town of Monsanto is unique with structures built between, under, around huge boulders. The hilltop is crowned with a Templar castle. Hiking around here was fun, ROCKY, and full of views. 
stone walls and BOULDER walls

spring roses

winding village streets full of flowers

well appointed pigpen interior


and this

makes you want to open the green door!

one of early inhabitants-Lusitanas

Turk amongst the stones

kissing stones, Spain in the distance

Templar castle from 1100s
inside castle walls
12th century St Michael's chapel and stone coffins near castle

view of Monsanto from foot path. Church tower in center of town is in the distance

amazing views

One of my favorite castle of all because of how imposing it is- Marvao Castle built by Islamic knight in 800's. 
wildflowers in bloom everywhere

we did go in search of the Menhir

cherry tart!

Marvao Castle was imposing

thick walls

many levels helped with defense

high on mountain, steep defensible sides

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