Monday, April 30, 2018

Small Humans Make Big Impact

The Turk and I made our way to Sacramento to see the grandkids, including the newest member of the clan, Salma.
heading over the rockies!
Salma's first two months have been tough for her, her mom Sara, and the family. Salma is now recovering from bacterial meningitis that swells the brain and can cause scary side effects.  After six weeks in hospital, she is now home and we went out to welcome her and catch up with her fast growing brother and sister. Tulin joined us from Seattle, so we were all together the first in a very long time!
Salma enjoys GGrandma O's knitting

Grandpa meets Salma who seems quite comfy

It was fun to see sisters together - enjoying the kids.

Grandpa wanted to show the grandkids what he taught Sara and Tulin. So, lots to do in the kitchen and the back yard!
learning Kofte!
starting the summer garden is WORK

little people arent heavy enough for shovel

Sammayah helps by supporting grandpa
garden gloves make all the difference when planting!

grandpa shows how to be careful with baby plants

Sometimes, it takes a LOT of concentration to finish something.  And no thank you, I don't need any help Grandma!

I can do THIS

Almost there....

Things got very quiet, and we followed the silence to see the hall coat closet was open and everything in it was now OUT.  Summayah and Sulayman needed to get ready to go to Alaska! And that means you have to wear everything you can because it is cold in Alaska.
boots are important, even on wrong feet!

baseball bat for moose defense!
Fun time but brief. 
wearing same color!!

grandpa time
grandma snuggles
long hike for Sulayman

whole family enjoys the day outside!

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