Thursday, November 17, 2016

Hiking and Fooding in Ft. Bragg, Mendocino

Mendocino sunset on main street
 One of our favorite places is the north coast of California. But getting there from Willamette Valley Oregon is not easy. This was a 13 hour drive through the redwoods. Unfortunately most of our driving was at night so we missed so much! The challenge of this drive, in day or night, it that the road is an extremely windy forested, mountainous trail. The Turk is my hero for doing this long trip at night.
We were happy to arrive in Ft. Bragg to our hotel, Columbi Studios,  built in 1955 and still owned by the same family. True to the age, the rooms include a bedroom, bathroom and kitchen. While they have been updated, they retain the original look and feel.
Our visit here was about hiking and enjoying towns. 
water tower house
Turk finds 'goats' who dont eat much

typical coastal view
tunnel in Menocino coast
wood heaven!
 We enjoyed talking with the owner of the wood shop in Mendocino. He specializes in exotic and local woods to be used for furniture and counters.

sign next to pottery on the sidewalk

pottery for sale  - honor system

more hiking views

Statues atop old bank
closeup of the bird hat on statue

buried chain on cliff - for ship?
Turk checks out sunset

hiked to beach


 Checked out Ft. Bragg sites. Looks like they are ready for the next election.  The tattoo museum was ornately tiled and decorated with tattoo memorabilia.
Ft Bragg tattoo parlor
Turk continues his mushroom hunt

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