Friday, December 26, 2014

Holidays Means Family and Food

Thanksgiving starts with the proper attitude, and turkey cooking choices. We ended up with 3 types of turkey for 8 people that included roasted, smoked and fried.  The Turk was trying the fry for the first time.
All-important prep work

Seasoning everywhere
The DUNK and FRY technique

   There was much advice, much drinking, and much snacking required to get the turkey to the fry stage.

Awaiting the carving

Dinner is served! This is not the meat table, nor the desert table!

 Then it was Christmas.  Participates jumped to 18 with 5 dogs as most of the siblings made it (not the California family), Marco and Katrinka brought Marco's Ukranian cousin who was visiting the US for work, Tulin was in from Montana, Tim's kids were visiting.
Mom and Katrinka laughing

Cait and Tulin listening

Micki explaining

Katrinka and mom chatting

Sean and Georgie standing

Tim and Kevin drinking
Patrick and Scott thinking

Tulin chats up some of the pups

Marco, Kevin, Marco cousin drinking

Now that dinners done, let the present opening begin!
Daughters-in-law with their cards
Turk gets chocolate with booze
And, back home again - with new dinosaur.

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