Saturday, January 24, 2015

Art in Cuba

I was surprised to find that Cuba has a prominent art culture.  This is probably because all education is free, including music, dance, art training. It appears that artists have a support system with a socialist government. 2 million tourists come to Cuba each year without many US visitors and they are the target market for Cuban artisans. There are special customs rules for US citizens to bring art home which allow for an unlimited value.

I did see government and revolution related art but it seemed, in this day, to be mostly for tourists.
poster in a hotel shop
found in a tshirt shop
painted on wall of building
found in street market - July 26th revolution

There was a special exhibit of BEARS in one of the squares.  The United Buddy Bears promote tolerance, peace & freedom on their global tour. After 28 exhibitions on 5 continents, the non-profit project is in Havana for 2015.  Contributions go to UNICEF.  Each country has a bear that was painted by a selected artist. The most popular beats for the Cubans?  Cuba and the US.
Representative bears hanging out

For some reason, there are hands forming a cigar below the belt of the bear for Cuba's bear.

Bear from Turkey - for the Turk!
Cute US bear

Art was everywhere.
we interpreted this to mean that the woman gets the last word

wall hanging

mosaic wall hanging in a city park

tobacco man outside cigar store

mosaic table top

painter at work

Sancho Panza, squire to Don Quixote in the park

Sand mural covering a 2 story, block long building. Historical people of Cuba
marble statue in Florida Hotel

not really sure what this is

 Dancers are everywhere, including the pool!

Hotel Nacional de Cuba water ballet

powerful moves

fire, water, and 'walk like an Egyptian' dance

Buena Vista Social Club musicians

BVSC dancers

We had live music at breakfast, lunch and dinner.
lunch time music

musicians in old havana

1 comment:

Sandy Parks said...

Love that they take pride in the arts. Favorites of the above: Sancho, the sand mural, and...hmm...woman ruling the roost(er). :) Thanks for posting.