Monday, September 10, 2007

Feel Like You're Swimming Upstream?

Seattle was wonderful! Thanks Tim and Blue for hosting us. The weather was warm and clear - showing off Seattle in her best light. Mt. Ranier and Mt. Baker were visible with snow.

We went to Pike Place Market to buy a large halibut for Mark to grill. The guys there were throwing the fish across the shop and out to the waiting customers - BIG FISH. You dont see that at Safeway!

The Lake Washington Ship Canal, the "Ballard Locks", was active with boats crossing between Lake Washington and the Puget Sound - 14 to 28ft difference. Watching the locks open and close, the water rise and fall, fasinates me (you are finding out my odd fascinations). The poor salmon dont take the lock route. They have special steps to swim up. We were able to see them jumping from the surface of the water, but could see even better from the viewing windows under the water. Huge salmon were fighting to swim against strong currents, and to swim UP to Lake Washington from the Sound. There was a cheer each time a fish made it. I was exhausted just watching them.

We got to see the gum wall, the space needle, and I did get to go to the wonder gym to work out!

Food and Drink: Brunch at Macrina's Bakery in Belltown area of Seattle was a highlight amongst many food highlights in Seattle. Scrambled eggs with gargonzola cheese and figs presented a tongue dancing way to start the morning. Accompanied by french press tea, which might have required some coaching from our breakfast host, it was a great start to a busy day. The thing about this restaurant is, I wanted every dish coming out of the kitchen. The waffles, the brioche french toast, the other egg dishes, the coffee cakes, the sweet breads, and on and on. Ya gotta love brunch!


Anonymous said...


Thanks for reminding me of Seattle, site of my 50th birthday, a happy time much due to your spaceship dessert gift!

The locks & fish ladders are fascinating, aren't they??? It doesn't take much for some of us to be entertained.


Kathy and Mark said...

Jake, of course I was thinking of you when we went to the needle!!

Anonymous said...

Glad you found a way around the tanker spill. The road did not re-open until early evening. Hope you enjoyed the side roads, and driving on the gold dust of a bygone era.