Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hanging Out with the Strawberries

The Turk and I road tripped to Plant City to the Strawberry Festival!! This area is considered to have the largest production of winter strawberries in the world.  So of course we had to check it out.  I went with the intention of eating...alot.  Mark wanted to see farm animals since the festival is similiar to a county fair complete with all the Future Farmers of America (FFA) clubs competing with their cattle, rabbits and chickens as well as plants.  Oh, and fair rides - which didn't impact us because Mark is afraid of rides that have speed or height...which I think accounts for EVERY ride ever invented.

I wanted to take photos of the foods BEFORE I ate them, however this intention was lost the moment I was handed any food. After the first bite, I would remember. This will explain the missing chunks out of each food item photographed.  We made our own strawberry shortcake with the help of the strawberry shortcake maiden, ate chocolate covered strawberries, and I tried a deep fried snickers bar which looked alot like a small corndog.  I'm glad I tried it, but fried funnel cake batter isn't very delectable to me.

Of course there were other food items I just didnt try, like strawberry pizza, or bacon dipped in chocolate (no idea how this one ties to strawberries).   There are even strawberry carnival rides!