Friday, October 18, 2024

Holy Toledo!

 At one time, this ancient walled town was home to Jews, Moors and Christians. Queen Isabel (Chris Columbus' funder) got rid of all but the Christians. But the influence of all is strong.

bridge to Toledo walled town

Monestery-only 6 Franciscan monks left here

pottery in underground cave

motherly Mary

Amazing cathedral. After it was built, artisan was funded to customize one of the side chapels-see below. 

Architect cut a hole in the roof and created this! Also see a red floating hat. These hang from ceiling over graves of cardinals.

Monstranse - used to carry the consecrated host during a Corpus Christi procession

Synagogue built by Moors

Synagogue built by Moors-paid by the Jews. Converted to Christian church. Now a museum. The columns adorned with Pineapples-have meaning only to the Moors at the time as a fruit of welcome.

panorama of Toledo - beautiful, friendly city

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