Friday, October 25, 2024

Gorgeous Granada

 Granada is Spanish for pomegranate, the fruit that appears in the royal coat of arms. Granada was the final Moor-controlled city to fall to the Christians in 1492, resulting in the uniting of Queen Isabella's territory with King Ferdinands'. And that was the birth of the country of Spain. 

Granada's charm is its Muslim architecture, most recognized with the fortress-palace Alhambra.

part of Alhambra

interior garden built for a wife

Moat around fortress

View from fortress wall

looking down from tower

ornate doorways

stars everywhere

secret windows for wives
pillars at most modern palace
reflecting pond at modern palace

ceilings, stars

intricate 3D starred ceiling

almost like lace!


ceiling leather painting

gardens of Alhambra

looking at Alhambra from gardens

walking down from Alhambra

original aquaduc to Alhambra

Moroccan tapas

street of dish decorated homes

so many plates

pots with flowers

tagine lamb

coucous, chickpeas

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