I never went to Prom, or Homecoming dances. It wasnt 'cool' when I was in school, but also I wasnt interested in dating anyone either which kind of eliminated date potential. Cousin Jan encouraged-enticed me and the Turk into going to a fund raising ball called Saints and Sinners. Oh, and this is sponsored by the local Catholic Church!
Well, for the sake of the church I say.... But alas, I have nothing to wear. I was pretty sure this wasnt the kind of event where I could show up in my standard capris and tshirt. To the rescue comes cousin Jan, who happens to have 2 beautiful daughters in college who both went to lots of proms and homecoming events. So, I had a closet of gorgeous dresses to choose from.
Alas, the Turk had no suit. In fact he had NEVER owned a suit. Off we went to the suit store where they happily outfitted the Turk in proper suitage.And to the prom....er, Ball we went.
Upon arriving, I first noticed scantily clad young women dangling and twirling from long silk swaths from the ceiling (a la cirque de soleil). Then, looking down I came face to face with a llama who was walking by the chocolate fountain. The theme of the Ball was Babylon, which sounded like the part of the bible where they teach you what NOT to do! The turk quickly found the 2 live tigers and wanted to hang out there more than the dance floor. We ate, we drank, we danced, we looked at animals and twirling girls and had a great time. More fun than I would have had at any prom.
The message behind this story - its never too late, and you might find out its even better when you do it later!!
Prom dates- cousin Jan and Ted |
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