Spring is in the air, and we are itching to get the backyard past the sandy, weed stage. Especially knowing that hot and humid summer days are around the corner. And when that happens, we wont be itching to be working in the yard.
To generate some ideas, we went to the Florida Botanical Gardens run by Pinellas County. This is a really nice facility that includes botanical gardens, art studios/classrooms and galleries, and a heritage center where visitors can see how early residents lived in Florida.
We enjoyed seeing the variety of plants ranging from spiral palms to colorful bromiliads and ginger plants. The vegetable and herb gardens enlightened us to grow what we wanted....simliar to what we grew in California. When we saw the rose garden we met Sam, who planted the garden in 2000. He assured us that we could grow roses with few problems beyond what we had in California. The aligator warning signs were interesting and reminded us where we were...Florida. Afterwards, I raced home and sketched out the yard with plant ideas, and no room for gators.
The goal is to remove any grass from the backyard which will become the vegetable, herb, fruit and flower part of the yard. Mark has planted his initial raised vegetable bed, approximately 6x16 feet. So, I need to get busy!!
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