Mark is my food source. He grows fruit and vegetables. He shops at the farmers market. And now, he goes fishing. His first catch was 7 little fish - thin with neon blue markings. The neighbor showed him how to fillet them, but admitted that he uses these fish for bait. Meanwhile, we had a delicious dinner of tiny elf fillets.
Mark claims to have caught something the other day that pulled his line so hard, it broke. So, there are some big somethings in the water. Yesterday, Mark went out again with a new hook. He baited it, the last one for the day since the sun was getting low.
Something grabbed and pulled the hook. The experienced guy standing next to him said, "give it some line and hold on!." Mark did, for 2 1/2 hours! Meanwhile, the sun had set, Mark's arms were aching, and Mark was late for dinner. He needed to catch that fish.
His fishing adviser had a flashlight and, an important item, a net. Mark got the sea creature closer and closer as they both tired. Finally, the adviser put out the net and pulled up the.....shark! Yes, Mark caught a 3 ft shark.
Once he got home and I finished growling at his lateness, he filleted the fish into enough steaks for 3 nights! Mark admits he's never tried shark steaks before, though he cooked them for one of the restaurants where he worked.
We ate shark steaks the next night - YUM! White flaky meat, somewhat like swordfish but lighter. Mark marinated them in a secret sauce and they were delicious.
Great catch!